C# On the Work

C# start as C programming, later on developed as C+, C++ and C++++ which is now called the C#. As a programmer C# is one of the nicest Programming language we should learn. It is one of the highly level of language. In the article of Nakov S.(2013), "C# is a modern programming language for development of software applications.".  It was developed by Microsoft with a .NET Platform. C#  way of programming is quite similar to the format of Java and C++. In addition, some of the functions that can be found in the Java and C++  can also be found in C#. To see the example of C# programming, check the image below:


Anon, (2019). [image] Available at: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/323625923220180351/ [Accessed 16 Mar. 2019].

Nakov, S. Kolev, V.(2013). Fundamentals of Computer Programming With C#[PDF file]. Retrieved from https://www.introprogramming.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Books/CSharpEn/Fundamentals-of-Computer-Programming-with-CSharp-Nakov-eBook-v2013.pdf 
